Active Projects
This is a list of our team's active projects.
Off-the-Shelf Repair for Corroded Bridges Using Advanced Techniques & UHPC
Sponsor: Florida High-Tech Corridor Early Stage Innovation Fund
PI: University of South Florida (Haber)
Summary: This project aims to develop an innovative solution for repairing failing steel bridges. The long-range commercial aim is to develop a repair system that is versatile and deployable at scale by bridge owners. At this stage, the team has conducted preliminary engineering designs, 3D computer modeling of the system, and additive manufacturing of a small-scale prototype. Through this project, the team will develop a full-scale prototype and complete proof-of-concept structural testing to verify the system behavior and enhance its technology readiness level (TRL).

Fragility Analysis of Bridges: Developing an Analysis and Implementation Framework
Sponsor: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
PI: University of South Florida (Haber)
Co-PI: University of Central Florida (Mackie)
Summary: This project aims to bridge the knowledge, accessibility, and implementation gaps related to fragility analysis for bridges subject to non-seismic hazards. Thus, the outcome of this project is to take a significant step towards broader understanding, applications, and use of fragility analysis and PDE for bridge engineering by providing a framework and roadmap for future multi-agency implementation.

Developing Engineering Solutions to Challenges with UHPC Bridge Deck Overlays
Sponsor: Cor-Tuf UHPC and The Florida High-Tech Corridor
PI: University of South Florida (Haber)
Summary: This project aims to develop research-based solutions related to UHPC and it applications to highway bridge deck repair. The goal of this project is to generate a better understanding of how UHPC-class materials can be used to enhance bridge deck performance.

NCHRP 14-36(01) Implementation of Bridge Preservation Actions
Sponsor: National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine, TRB
PI: Greenman-Pedersen Inc (GPI)
Co-PI: University of Colorado
Co-PI: University of South Florida (Haber)
Summary: This project aim to develop and deliver workshops for state departments of transportation (DOTs) and local public agencies to support the implementation of bridge preservation practices outlined in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide to Bridge Preservation Actions (2021) and the AASHTO Guide to Preservation of Highway Bridge Decks (pending publication)

Determining Fiber Orientation and Volume of Ultra-High Performance Concrete using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Sponsors: University of South Florida
PI: University of South Florida (Alexander & Haber)
Summary: Fiber orientation in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a critical factor that relates to both material- and structural-level behavior. This research aims to explore electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to determine fiber orientation and fiber volume in UHPC-class materials. This project is a collaboration with Dr. Chris Alexander and the USF Corrosion Lab.